Sad Graduation Poems Definition
Source( Day is a day to mark a tremendous accomplishment. You could not have come to this day without a lot of hard work. There may have been days when you felt that you could not continue, and yet you did. The moment when you are called up to the stage to receive your diploma, resplendent in your cap and gown, is a moment to savor. You can not lose what has now been given to you. Whether it is a high school, college, graduate, or doctoral diploma, that achievement will be yours forever. Now go on and take on the world!
Graduation Is a Time
Graduation is a time
For feeling very proud,
For thinking lots of lovely thoughts
And saying them out loud.
It’s a time for feeling love
About to overflow,
And just before it leaps its banks,
To let the loved one know.
And so I’m very proud of you
For being who you are,
For making something of yourself,
For making it this far.
I’m proud because I am a part
Of everything you do.
This time’s the time to say how much
In love I am with you.
Nicholas Gordon.